I had the opportunity to attend the Korbel Dinner
Monday night – one of the perks of being the wife of a Dean at the University
of Denver. Dr. Condelezza Rice, alum of DU, was the featured speaker, and she
was quite engaging, discussing the Middle East, Russia, and even football with
ease and humor. When asked about managing the state department, my ear perked
up. Here is a woman who has managed folks all over the world, dealing with
major issues. Certainly, I could integrate a few tips from her into managing a
scrum team! Indeed, there were three points that I could modify to manage a
small team of IT professionals, rather than ambassadors and other international
First, problems don’t come in neat, single-disciplinary
packages. Coming from a former Secretary of State, there are many examples that
can be used here. But even in a development team, issues are often not neat,
and rarely affect only one system! It’s very important to understand the
complexities and connections when trying to resolve an issue. If one area
becomes simpler, chances are another will be more complex. Where do you want
the trade-off?
Second, policy is influenced by the people you train. This
makes obvious sense for a school of international studies. How can it be used
in a scrum team? It’s all about culture. Build the culture to encourage the
behavior you want. Don’t expect that a great culture will just happen. Do you
want people to be okay with making small mistakes, in order to learn and expand
their knowledge? Celebrate those failures!
Finally, Dr. Rice talked about bringing people in who have
been there. She has started the wheels turning on an endowed professorship, the
Rice Family Professor of Practice. This position, I foresee, will be filled by
people who have experiences of international relations that will enhance the studies
and theory of the students. In other words, it’s important to tell the real
stories. Books and theory are wonderful, but experience is the “secret sauce” –
what really shows others how to integrate their knowledge into practice. Again,
in scrum teams, listening to those with experience can be very useful – whether
that experience is within the existing organization or from another company
with a successful implementation of agile. Take all those stories, blend them
together, and play with building a solution from that knowledge.
I love learning, in the many places I find myself!
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