I have been re-reading Leading at a Higher Level by Ken
Blanchard. Published in 2009, it’s not a recent book by any means, and it says
nothing about running IT organizations or coding methodology. Nope, it’s a straight-forward business book. Like
many of Blanchard’s books, this one has a message that works well as the
entrance point for talking about agile practices with executives. Here are a
few points.
The triple bottom line
Most executives and business leaders understand their
organization’s bottom line. Blanchard, however, extends that concept and talks
of the triple bottom line. Rather than simply making money for the company’s
investors, the organization needs to focus on being the provider of choice, the employer of choice, and the investment of
choice. In other words, the people that work for you (employees), and the
people you work for (customers) need to be part of the formula for success,
rather than simply the money that is made.
High Performing Organization
Blanchard labels the companies that focus on this triple
bottom line as High Performing Organizations or HPOs. Fortunately, he doesn’t
just stop there. He spends the rest of the book identifying ways to determine
if your organization (or department, or team) is high performing, and what to
do to turn it around. He uses a model that he calls SCORES.
This is one area where the agility of Blanchard’s model
shines. Blanchard notes that there are 6 focus areas to address in order to
help your organization become high performing.
Each of these items
has an associated principle or concept from agile as well:
Information and Open Communication – Open communication builds trust,
encouraging everyone to take ownership of their organization. Transparency and
the support of face-to-face communication are the agile equivalents.
Vision: Purpose & Values – Anyone who’s worked in an agile environment
can tell you that the vision is the driver. If you don’t have a vision, why do
you have a company? Vision drives the project, and helps motivate the
individuals involved.
Ongoing Learning
– I often talk less about agile and more about creating a learning environment
at a client site, where it’s acceptable to make (and therefore learn from)
mistakes. The focus on continuous improvement in agile also encourages this
learning environment.
Focus on Customer Results – The first agile principle notes that “our
highest priority is to satisfy the customer.” Focusing on the value brought to
the customer sounds pretty agile to me.
Systems & Structures – No one wants to work in an environment where the
smallest request feels like a giant burden. What can be done to remove the
systemic obstacles, so that work can be done with ease? As one of the principle
states “Give [individuals] the environment and support they need, and trust
them to get the job done.”
Power & High Involvement – This relates to two of the agile principles:
building projects around motivated individuals, and working together on a daily
basis. My favorite story about empowered individuals is one that Blanchard
relays. At the Ritz-Carlton hotels, every staff member was allowed a
discretionary fund of about $2000 to solve customers’ dilemmas. One member of
the cleaning staff used that discretionary fund to personally deliver a laptop
to a customer who had left it behind on his way to Hawaii for a very important
presentation which, of course, was on the laptop. When the smart people that
are hired to do excellent work are given the motivation and authorization to do
what they need to do, amazing things can happen!
I have to admit, I can probably find some agile theme in
almost any book (I believe I’ve mentioned The
Hobbit here before)! Where have you found an example of agile at work (or
play!) in a non-technical field? What stories can you tell to relay the
importance of the agile principles? I’d love to hear about them!