I watched “The Hobbit” the other day with my family. I was
in an agile frame of mind, and found many examples of how the travelers used
agile practices in their journey. (If you haven’t read the book or seen the
movie, be warned – I give away some of the story.) For example, as the dwarves
clean up Bilbo’s kitchen, I could see that everyone understood their specific
task, and they knew their goal so clearly that they could use irony to express
it in song - “Chip the glasses and crack the plates! | Blunt the knives and
bend the forks! | That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!”
Of course, the dinner scene is only a small part of the
movie, and the overarching vision of the journey is certainly not to keep
Bilbo’s house clean – that’s just one small goal along the way. The dwarves
have a vision of returning home.
Bilbo, unfortunately, isn’t fully aware of the group’s
vision when he heads out without his pocket handkerchief. Yes, he’s read the
contract, he has a basic understanding of his duties, and he’s even heard the
stories and the songs of the dwarves, but he doesn’t initially understand the
WHY. He finally gets it through a
conversation with Fili, in the middle of the night. Bilbo has decided that he
wants to return to his own home and is preparing to leave. Then Fili explains why returning to the Lonely
Mountain is important – it is the dwarves’ home. The vision finally sinks in
for Bilbo. Now the hobbit also understands why it’s so important to get to the
Lonely Mountain. Now he gets why this journey is so important to them. Now he
becomes fully engaged in the journey, even risking his life to protect Thorin.
Even though he signed the contract, the REAL reason for the
journey wasn’t clear to Bilbo until more than half-way through the movie. Bilbo
needed to be told many times, and through many avenues, before the vision
finally stuck – before it became reality to him. My hunch is he’ll have to be
reminded again before the trilogy of movies is over.
As agilists, we must clearly and frequently express the
project vision (desired state) and goals (steps to get there) to every member
of the team. We may know the vision, but how well does the team understand? How
well does the Product Owner understand? Is it posted somewhere? Is it discussed
frequently in planning meetings, demos and retros? Oh, and do YOU really understand
the vision, and the steps to get there?
My challenge to you is two-fold, depending on where your
team is in relation to a project vision. If the vision isn’t identified, spend
some time at the next planning meeting, with the product owner, to identify an
easy-to-remember vision (for example, “Provide the customer with an easy-to-use
tool to search for and buy books”). Once identified (or if it already exists),
get the vision in front of the whole team as frequently and in as many
different ways as you can – write it on a white board, add it to your signature
block in internal emails, remind them of it in planning meetings, check
frequently to ensure that it is still accurate.